Jun 9, 2008


Се сеќавам пред околу 8-9 години на еден од состаноците на Визија, Давид рече дека секој човек е зависен од информации. И беше во право. Јас сега навистина ја чувствувам потребата од информации. Се фатив себеси како во рок од пола саат проверувам мејл 5-6 пати. А имам Gmail Notifier на Firefox-от и знам дека скоро сите луѓе што ги познавам се или на работа или во длабок сон така да веројатно не ми пишуваат мене мејлови. Сепак проверив мејл 5-6 пати.

Ми требаат информации, ми требаат луѓе!

Jun 1, 2008

Monday June 1st: Time travel

At the end I finally got to Guam. It seems like time travel is not as impossible as I thought. I traveled one day into the future on a airplane.

Here I am at the 17th floor of the Ladera Tower, a former resort that has now turned into an apartment complex. The feeling is like you are in a industrial complex built in the eighties in the States. So far there's almost no indication that we are on a tropical island in the middle of the Pacific.

The flight here was almost as any other trip I have gone to recently. At the Tokyo Narita airport I got held yet again by security services. Apparently I cannot transit through another country if I end up staying in the USA or any of the US Territories:) So they put me through the standard exercise of the WWN (why, where and no, you can't do that).

The Japanese tourists and uniformed US Air force soldiers on the flight form Narita to Guam reminded me where I was actually going: the new home of the Brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) that has almost deprived the Island from Birds.